This is the ultimate pill for erectile dysfunction, the pill works in less than 30 minutes and remains active in your body for at least 24 hours. You will experience rock-hard erections faster and they will last longer and you will have the stamina and endurance to give your partner multiple orgasms. Virekta Mega Power proved to be superior in the following areas, how fast the pill worked, how strong the erection was, how long the erection lasted, how the stamina of the man increased and finally how did the side effects compare. The table contains the following potent herbs are in each Virekta Mega Power capsule: Maca, Epimedium, Ginkgo Biloba, Avena Sativa, Tribulus Terrestris, Saw Palmetto, L-Arginine HCL, Rheumannia Root, Deer Root, Panax Ginseng and Aweto. This product should only be used by healthy adults and it is always good to consult with your doctor before use.
Take 1 tablet
Do not take more than 1 table in a 24 hour period
As with all ED medications, you will require sexual stimulation for this to work effectively.
1 x Pack of 2 tablets
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