OTO Super Powerful Man (4 tablets)




These herbal potency tablets for men are a Viagra like erection enhancer without requiring a prescription and with no known side effects or product dependency. They are highly effective and powerful and made of all natural ingredients which are absorbed rapidly and have a prolonged period of effectiveness. The tablets are said to boost vitality and vigour, with a lasting effect of 36-72 hours. Dosage: Take 1-2 tablets daily about 30 minutes before lovemaking.
Contains 4 tablets.
Ingredients Contains epimedium (50mg), rhemannia root (50mg) and deer root (50mg). Classified as a herbal product, it has no pharmaceutical ingredients. * Has no harmful side effects but is always good to consult with your doctor before use.
* Enhances erections in men of all ages * All Natural — No Prescription Required! * Promotes stronger orgasms * Controls premature ejaculation * Improves Sexual performance – Makes Strong Man Stronger * Works fast within 30 – 45 minutes * Keeps Penis fatter and ready for fast erection for up to 72 hours * Increases the androgen levels and sperm count.


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